Plan 9 from Bell Labs’s /usr/web/sources/contrib/nemo/sys/lib/plumb/planb

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# these are generally in order from most specific to least,
# since first rule that fires wins.

include fileaddr

# declarations of ports without rules
plumb to seemail
plumb to showmail

# man(1) page goes to page
type	is	text
data	matches	'([a-zA-Z¡-￿0-9_\-./]+)\(([1-8])\)'
plumb	start	 rc -c 'man '$2' '$1' | plumb -i -d edit -p /mnt/plumb/edit -a ''action=showdata filename=/man/'$2/$1''''

# cheap http/gif,jpeg,ps,pdf,bmp renderer
type is text
data matches '(https?|ftp|file|gopher|mailto|news|nntp|telnet|wais|prospero)://[a-zA-Z0-9_@\-]+([.:][a-zA-Z0-9_@\-]+)*/?[a-zA-Z0-9_?,%#~&/\-+=]+([:.][a-zA-Z0-9_?,%#~&/\-+=]+)*\.(jpe?g|JPE?G|gif|GIF|ps|PS|pdf|PDF|png|PNG|bmp|BMP)'
plumb start rc -c 'hget '$0' | page -w'

# links urls go to snarf
src is links #eliminate recursive links
type is text
data matches $url
plumb start wurl2snarf $0

# urls go to links
type is text
data matches $url
plumb to www
plumb start window -r 356 35 1024 768 links ''''$0''''

# rtf files go to wdoc2txt
type is text
data matches '[a-zA-Z¡-￿0-9_\-./]+'
data matches '([a-zA-Z¡-￿0-9_\-./]+)\.rtf'
arg isfile	$0
plumb to msword
plumb start wdoc2txt $file

# start rule for microsoft word documents without .doc suffix
type is text
dst is msword
plumb to msword
plumb start wdoc2txt $file

# email addresses get a new mail window
type is text
data matches '[a-zA-Z0-9_+.\-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9_+.\-]*'
plumb to sendmail
plumb start window rc -c '''echo % mail '''$0'; mail '$0

# image files go to page
type is text
data matches '[a-zA-Z¡-￿0-9_\-./]+'
data matches '([a-zA-Z¡-￿0-9_\-./]+)\.(jpe?g|JPE?G|gif|GIF|tiff?|TIFF?|ppm|PPM|bit|BIT|png|PNG)'
arg isfile	$0
plumb to image
plumb client page -wi

# postscript/pdf/dvi/doc go to page but not over the a plumb port
# the port is here for reference but is unused
type is text
data matches '[a-zA-Z¡-￿0-9_\-./]+'
data matches '([a-zA-Z¡-￿0-9_\-./]+)\.(ps|PS|eps|EPS|pdf|PDF|dvi|DVI|doc|DOC)'
arg isfile	$0
plumb to postscript
plumb start page -w $file

# existing files, possibly tagged by line number, go to editor
type is text
data matches '([.a-zA-Z¡-￿0-9_/\-]*[a-zA-Z¡-￿0-9_/\-])('$addr')?'
arg isfile	$1
data set	$file
attr add	addr=$3
plumb to edit
plumb client window -m $editor

# .h files are looked up in /sys/include and passed to edit
type is text
data matches '([a-zA-Z¡-￿0-9]+\.h)('$addr')?'
arg isfile	/sys/include/$1
data set	$file
attr add	addr=$3
plumb to edit
plumb client window $editor

# .m files are looked up in /sys/module and passed to edit
type is text
data matches '([a-zA-Z¡-￿0-9]+\.m)('$addr')?'
arg isfile	/sys/module/$1
data set	$file
attr add	addr=$3
plumb to edit
plumb client window $editor

# faces -> new mail window for message
type	is	text
data	matches	'[a-zA-Z¡-￿0-9_\-./]+'
data	matches	'/mail/fs/[a-zA-Z¡-￿0-9/]+/[0-9]+'
plumb	to	showmail
plumb	start	window -r 4 120 750 600 upas/nedmail -s $0

# man[1] page goes to page viewer
type	is	text
data	matches	'([a-zA-Z¡-￿0-9_\-./]+)\[([1-8])\]'
plumb	to	man
plumb	start	 rc -c 'man -t '$2' '$1' | page  -w'

# start rule for images without known suffixes
dst is image
plumb to image
plumb client page -wi

# start rule for postscript without known suffixes
dst is postscript
arg isfile $data
plumb start page -w $data

# to play mp3 audio files
type	is	text
data	matches	'[a-zA-Z¡-￿0-9_\-./]+'
data	matches	'([a-zA-Z¡-￿0-9_\-./]+\.mp3)'
arg	isfile	$0
plumb	to song
plumb	start	oplayer $file

# to play mp3 audio dirs
type	is	text
data	matches	'[a-zA-Z¡-￿0-9_\-./]+'
data	matches	'(/n/music/[a-zA-Z¡-￿0-9_\-./]+)'
plumb	to song
plumb	start	oplayer $0

type	is	text
data	matches	'voice: (.*)'
plumb	to	voice
plumb	start	speak $1

type	is	text
data	matches	'exec (.*)'
plumb	to	exec

type	is	text
data	matches	'Local (.*)'
plumb	to	none
plumb	start	rc -c $1

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