Plan 9 from Bell Labs’s /usr/web/sources/contrib/steve/root/sys/lib/texmf/fonts/source/public/pandora/

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%        Copyright (c) 1989 by N. N. Billawala

%   Pandora Bold 10 point


mode_setup;                             % general setup
input pandor                            % general definitions used in pandora

designsize:= 10pt#;                     % intended "ideal" size for parameters
width#:=     10pt#;                     % width of an em
maxheight#:= 7.75pt#;                   % max height for delimiters,e.g., [,{,(
ascender#:=  7.5pt#;                    % height of ascenders, e.g., on l,h,k
cap#:=       7pt#;                      % height of uppercase, e.g., B,H,L
xheight#:=   5pt#*1.02;                 % xheight of lowercase, e.g., x,n,o
descender#:= 2pt#;                      % depth of descenders, e.g., on j,p,q
maxdepth#:=  2.25pt#;                   % max depth for delimiters,e.g., [,{,(
math_axis#:= .5[maxheight#,-maxdepth#]; % vertical alignment for math 

accent_height#:=.3(ascender#-xheight#); % places bottom of accents 
accent_depth#:=min(.5xheight#,.7(ascender#-xheight#)); % character ref box depth


fixed_pitch_characters(false)(0);       % true/false, number of characters per inch
oblique:=0;                             % slant of character reference points

bowlstem.uc#:=1.05*1.4  *fixed_pt;      % uppercase (uc) bowl width*1.4     *fixed_pt;      % lowercase (lc) bowl width
stem.uc#:=1*1.4         *fixed_pt;      % uppercase stem width*1.4       *fixed_pt;      % lowercase stem width
thin_stem.uc#:=.62*1.35 *fixed_pt;      % width of thin uppercase stems*1.25  *fixed_pt;      % width of thin lowercase stems


apex.uc:=inlimit(.4stem.uc)(0,stem.uc); % apex flatness in uppercase,; % apex flatness in lowercase
ov_t.uc:=.02cap;                        % top curve overshoot for uppercase;                    % top curve overshoot for lowercase
ov_b.uc:=.02cap;                        % bottom curve overshoot for uppercase;                    % bottom curve overshoot for lowercase
ov_apex.uc:=.01cap;                     % apex overshoot for uppercase;                 % apex overshoot for lowercase   
apex_angle:=oblique;                    % for changing the angle at apex 
if xheight<25:lowres_fix(,,; fi
if cap<70:lowres_fix(ov_t.uc,ov_b.uc,ov_apex.uc); fi

                                        % for SERIFS and ARMS
serif_thickness:=inlimit(,.5xheight); % base thickness of h-serifs
terminal_thickness:=serif_thickness;    % base thickness of terminal serifs
tip_thickness:=     serif_thickness;    % base thickness of arms
bulb_thickness:=  2*serif_thickness;    % (base) thickness of bulbs
x_bracket_h:=inlimit(.2xheight)(serif_thickness,.5xheight); % lc bracket join
cap_bracket_h:=inlimit(.2cap)(serif_thickness,.5cap);       % uc bracket join
bool(ctrls):=false;                     % for explicit placement of control pts
onbase:=inlimit(0)(0,1);                % places control pt along base of serif
onstem:=inlimit(0)(0,1);                % places control pt along stem of serif
midbracket_pull:=    inlimit(.4)(0,1);  % pulls brackets in on arms and serifs
entasis:=            inlimit(.1)(0,1);  % amount of arc in horizontal serif base
terminal_entasis:=   inlimit(.1)(0,1);  % amount of arc in terminal serif base
arm_angle:=          inlimit(10)(0,60); % global angle off of 90 degrees
asc_terminal_angle:= inlimit(0)(0,60);  % at ascender height: from 0 deg...h,k,l
x_terminal_angle:=   inlimit(15)(0,60); % at x-height: from 0 deg...m,n,r
base_terminal_angle:=inlimit(0)(0,60);  % at base line: from 0 deg...u
diag_terminal_angle:=inlimit(10)(0,60); % on diagonals: from 0 deg...k,v,w,y
hs:=.75pt;                              % global horizontal serif length
ts:=.75pt;                              % global terminal serif length
as:=pt;                                 % global arm length
cs:=pt;                                 % global curvedarm length
serif_constant_amt:=0pt;                % adds same length amount to all serifs
bool(bulbs):=false;                      % arms become bulbs if true
bool(bulb_taper):=false;                % changes bulbs to tapering shape
taper_angle:=if bulb_taper:10 else:0 fi;% if |bulb_taper|, adjusts angle at end
bulb_taper_amt:=0;                      % taper length as a % of limb thickness;                          % c,s bulb length if |bulb_taper|=true
c_and_s.uc:=0;                          % C,G,S bulb length if |bulb_taper|=true;           % softness in heel of the terminal serif;           % softness in the heel of the arm

                                        % ARCHES
arch_thickness.uc:=.2[thin_stem.uc,stem.uc]; % uppercase arch thickness[,]; % lowercase arch thickness
arch_tip.uc:=.5arch_thickness.uc;       % thinnest part of the uc arch;       % thinnest part of the lc arch
arch_reference:=inlimit(.7)(.4,.95);    % puts ref pts between tip/stem
arch_inner_amt:=inlimit(.8)(.4,.95);    % puts arch pts between tip/ref pts
r_arch:=l_arch:=inlimit(.6)(0,1);       % y-value of max outer stress on |r_arch|
bool(ensure_min_archthickness):=true;   % guarantees minimum thickness

                                        % BOWLS
major_curve.uc:=.9arch_thickness.uc;    % uppercase major bowl curve thickness;    % lowercase major bowl curve thickness
minor_curve.uc:=.85arch_thickness.uc;   % uppercase minor bowl curve thickness;   % lowercase minor bowl curve thickness;       % lowercase major bowl tip thickness;       % lowercase minor bowl tip thickness
major_bowl_reference:=inlimit(.6)(.4,.95); % puts ref pts between tip/bowlstem
minor_bowl_reference:=inlimit(.5)(.4,.95); % puts ref pts between tip/bowlstem
major_bowl_inner_amt:=inlimit(.7)(.4,.95); % puts arch pts between tip/ref pts 
minor_bowl_inner_amt:=inlimit(.7)(.4,.95); % puts arch pts between tip/ref pts

define_minimums(                        % these values keep a one pixel minimum,,,,,,

                                        % ARCHES and BOWLS and CIRCULAR SHAPES
v_stress:=.52;                          % places point of vert stress on bowl
h_stress:=.51;                          % places horzstress on circular shapes
ductal:=inlimit(.1)(0,1);               % for more ductal strokes: value of 1*(; % minor curve join
circ1:=inlimit(.95)(.75,1.5);           % tension of outer curve shapes
circ2:=inlimit(.95)(.75,1.5);           % tension of inner curve shapes
circ3:=inlimit(.95)(.75,1.5);           % tension of outer |circular_shapes|
                                        % JUNCTURES and NOTCHES
bool(softjuncture):=true;               % are junctures soft? in junct macro
juncture_opening:=inlimit(,;% indent into stem at juncture
stemcut_angle:=-2;                      % cut into stem at angle off of 90
archcut_angle:=5;                       % cuts into regular arch path
notch_length.uc:=.05stem.uc;            % length of corrective notching (uc);            % length of corrective notching (lc)
notch_width:=1;                         % width of corrective notching in pixels
notch_pos:=.3;                          % positions the beginning of the notch
bool(center_notch):=                    % centers all notches
 if(>=.75:true else:false fi;
bool(nonotch):=if(xheight<15)           % if real low resolution
 or(xheight#>15pt#)                     % or large character size
 or(thin_stem.uc/stem.uc<.5):true       % or small thin/thick ratio
 else:false fi;                         %   this overrides notching

                                        % PUNCTUATION, ACCENTS, MATH and PENS
round_dot_diameter:=1.1stem.uc;         % diameter of dots on ;:;         % diameter of dots(!?") and dot accents
comma_dot_indent:=inlimit(.25)(0,1);    % indent in the comma macro for the dot 
bool(prime):=false;                     % changes commas to prime 
prime_angle:=-20;                       % angle of prime-like comma
bool(realsoft_accents):=true;           % make accents soft as possible
accent_thin_end:=max(1,; % thinnest end of accents
accent_thick_end:=max(1,;    % thickest end of accents
mathlines:=max(1,.45*1.4pt);            % thickness of lines in math characters
head_thickness:=max(1,.9mathlines);     % arrowhead thickness
def mathpen=pensquare scaled mathlines enddef;              % for []/=+\#%-\<\>\_|^
blank_space_thickness:=max(1,.7mathlines);                  % for space char
def slashpen=pensquare scaled max(1, enddef; % in O-slash chars
def dashpen=pensquare scaled max(1,.75mathlines) enddef;    % for en em

                                        % MISCELLANEOUS
join_radius:=.1pt;                      % global softness for use with softjoin
bool(softpath):=true;                   % softens paths in macros
narrow_amt:=inlimit(.7)(0,1);           % thins strokes if narrow condition=true
w_narrow_amt:=inlimit(.3)(0,1);         % thins strokes especially for eMwW oe
ebar_angle:=0;                          % used on the lowercase e
bool(bold):=true;                       % changes accent shapes if bold

rulepen:=pensquare scaled 1;            % makes screenrules 1 pixel thick
if oblique=0:let //=relax               % lets // do nothing if needed otherwise
  else:def //=slanted sind(oblique/cosd oblique) enddef fi; % // slants ref pts
pair upward,downward; 
 upward=dir(90-oblique);                % "up" along oblique angle
 downward=dir(-90-oblique);             % "down" along oblique angle

                                        % ALTERNATE character specs
bool(test_all_characters):=false;       % allows testing of alternate characters
 alt0:=0; bool(a_full_bowl):=false;     % for half/double bowls on a
 alt1:=0; bool(g_full_bowl):=false;     % for half/double bowls on g
 alt2:=0; bool(spur):=true;             % for pronged terminals on G,a,b,g,q
 alt3:=0; bool(like_lowercase):=false;  % alternate U
 alt4:=0; bool(flat_diagonal_endings):=true; % else teminalserif k,v,w,x,y,V,W,X
 alt5:=0; bool(beveled_join):=false;    % on R,K,k
 alt6:=0; bool(open_tail):=false;       % for 3,5,6,9
 alt7:=0; bool(diagonal_three):=false;  % for diagonal as opposed to round top 3
 alt8:=0; bool(inflection_two):=true;   % for 2 with inflection
 alt9:=0; bool(G_spur):=true;           % spur on G
 alt10:=0;bool(open_four):=true;        % for top of 4 

extra_beginchar:=extra_beginchar&"save t,p,ref; path p[],p[]',ref[];";
extra_beginchar:=extra_beginchar&"w#:=charwd;";          % for adjust def
extra_endchar:=extra_endchar&"wsaved:=w; w:=r-l;";       % for adjust def

for x:="a":
 wanted[byte x]:=true; endfor           % test these characters
let iff=always_iff;                     % tests all chars in the file
  let show_character=draw_outlines; 
  if (mode<>proof):let show_character=fill_all;fi

input rotext                            % Roman Text character set

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