Plan 9 from Bell Labs’s /usr/web/sources/contrib/steve/root/sys/src/cmd/graphviz/dotneato/common/gdgen.c

Copyright © 2021 Plan 9 Foundation.
Distributed under the MIT License.
Download the Plan 9 distribution.

    This software may only be used by you under license from AT&T Corp.
    ("AT&T").  A copy of AT&T's Source Code Agreement is available at
    AT&T's Internet website having the URL:
    If you received this software without first entering into a license
    with AT&T, you have an infringing copy of this software and cannot use
    it without violating AT&T's intellectual property rights.
#pragma prototyped

#include "config.h"

#ifdef _UWIN
#define		DEFAULT_FONTPATH	"/win/fonts"
#endif  /* DEFAULT_FONTPATH */
#ifndef MSWIN32
#define		DEFAULT_FONTPATH	"/usr/share/ttf:/usr/local/share/ttf:/usr/share/fonts/ttf:/usr/local/share/fonts/ttf:/usr/lib/fonts:/usr/local/lib/fonts:/usr/lib/fonts/ttf:/usr/local/lib/fonts/ttf:/usr/common/graphviz/lib/fonts/ttf:/windows/fonts:/dos/windows/fonts:/usr/add-on/share/ttf:."
#endif /* MSWIN32 */
#endif /* _UWIN */

#include		"render.h"
#include		"gd.h"
#include		"utils.h"
#include		<fcntl.h>
#ifdef MSWIN32
#include <io.h>

#define SCALE (GD_RESOLUTION/72.0)


/* fontsize at which text is omitted entirely */
/* fontsize at which text is rendered by a simple line */

/* font modifiers */
#define REGULAR 0
#define BOLD		1
#define ITALIC		2

/* patterns */
#define P_SOLID		0
#define P_DOTTED	4
#define P_DASHED	11
#define P_NONE		15

/* bold line constant */
#define WIDTH_NORMAL	1
#define WIDTH_BOLD	3

static int	N_pages;
static point	Pages;
static double   Scale;
static pointf	Offset;
static double	ArgScale;
static int	Rot;
static box	PB;

static gdImagePtr im;
static Dict_t	*ImageDict;

typedef struct context_t {
	int	pencolor, fillcolor;
        char	*fontfam, fontopt, font_was_set, pen, fill, penwidth;
	double   fontsz;
} context_t;

#define MAXNEST	4
static context_t cstk[MAXNEST];
static int	SP;
static node_t	*Curnode;

static void gd_reset(void)

int black, white, transparent;

static void init_gd()
	SP = 0;
	/* must create default background color first... */
	/* we have to force the background to be filled for some reason */
	white = gdImageColorResolve(im, gdRedMax,gdGreenMax,gdBlueMax);
	gdImageFilledRectangle(im, 0, 0, im->sx-1, im->sy-1, white);

	black = gdImageColorResolve(im, 0, 0, 0);

	/* transparent uses an rgb value very close to white
	   so that formats like GIF that don't support
	   transparency show a white background */
	transparent = gdImageColorResolveAlpha(im, gdRedMax,gdGreenMax,gdBlueMax-1, gdAlphaTransparent);
	gdImageColorTransparent(im, transparent);

	cstk[0].pencolor = black;		/* set pen black*/
	cstk[0].fillcolor = black;		/* set fill black*/
	cstk[0].fontfam = "times";		/* font family name */
	cstk[0].fontopt = REGULAR;		/* modifier: REGULAR, BOLD or ITALIC */
	cstk[0].pen = P_SOLID;		/* pen pattern style, default is solid */
	cstk[0].fill = P_NONE;
	cstk[0].penwidth = WIDTH_NORMAL;

pointf gdpt(pointf p)
	pointf		  rv;

	if (Rot == 0) {
		rv.x = PB.LL.x + p.x * Scale + Offset.x;
		rv.y = PB.UR.y - 1 - p.y * Scale - Offset.y;
	} else {
		rv.x = PB.UR.x - 1 - p.y * Scale - Offset.x;
		rv.y = PB.UR.y - 1 - p.x * Scale - Offset.y;
	return rv;

void gd_font(context_t* cp)
	char		   *fw, *fa;

	fw = fa = "Regular";
	switch (cp->fontopt) {
	case BOLD:
		fw = "Bold";
	case ITALIC:
		fa = "Italic";

static void gd_begin_job(FILE *ofp, graph_t *g, char **lib, char *user,
char *info[], point pages)
	Pages = pages;
	N_pages = pages.x * pages.y;
#ifdef MYTRACE

static void gd_end_job(void)
#ifdef MYTRACE

void gd_begin_graph(graph_t* g, box bb, point pb)
	PB.LL.x = PB.LL.y = 0;
	PB.UR.x = (bb.UR.x - bb.LL.x + 2*GD_drawing(g)->margin.x) * SCALE;
	PB.UR.y = (bb.UR.y - bb.LL.y + 2*GD_drawing(g)->margin.y) * SCALE;
	Offset.x = GD_drawing(g)->margin.x * SCALE;
	Offset.y = GD_drawing(g)->margin.y * SCALE;

static void gd_begin_graph_to_file(graph_t* g, box bb, point pb)
	gd_begin_graph(g, bb, pb);
	if (Verbose)
		fprintf(stderr,"%s: allocating a %dK GD image\n",
			CmdName, (PB.UR.x - PB.LL.x - 1) * (PB.UR.y - PB.LL.y - 1) / 1024);
	if (mapbool(agget(g,"truecolor")))
		im = gdImageCreateTrueColor((PB.UR.x - PB.LL.x - 1), (PB.UR.y - PB.LL.y - 1));
		im = gdImageCreate((PB.UR.x - PB.LL.x - 1), (PB.UR.y - PB.LL.y - 1));
#ifdef MYTRACE

static void gd_begin_graph_to_memory(graph_t* g, box bb, point pb)
	gd_begin_graph(g, bb, pb);
	if (Verbose)
		fprintf(stderr,"%s: using existing GD image\n", CmdName);
	im = *(gdImagePtr *)Output_file;
#ifdef MYTRACE

static void gd_end_graph_to_file(void)
 * Windows will do \n -> \r\n  translations on stdout unless told otherwise.
#ifdef O_BINARY
	setmode(fileno(Output_file), O_BINARY);

 * Write IM to OUTFILE as a JFIF-formatted JPEG image, using quality
 * JPEG_QUALITY.  If JPEG_QUALITY is in the range 0-100, increasing values
 * represent higher quality but also larger image size.  If JPEG_QUALITY is
 * negative, the IJG JPEG library's default quality is used (which
 * should be near optimal for many applications).  See the IJG JPEG
 * library documentation for more details.  */

#define JPEG_QUALITY -1

	if (Output_lang == GD) {
		gdImageGd(im, Output_file);
#ifdef HAVE_LIBZ
	} else if (Output_lang == GD2) {
#define GD2_CHUNKSIZE 128
#define GD2_RAW 1
#define GD2_COMPRESSED 2
		gdImageGd2(im, Output_file, GD2_CHUNKSIZE, GD2_COMPRESSED);
#ifdef WITH_GIF
	} else if (Output_lang == GIF) {
		gdImageGif(im, Output_file);
#ifdef HAVE_LIBZ
	} else if (Output_lang == PNG) {
		gdImagePng(im, Output_file);
	} else if (Output_lang == JPEG) {
		gdImageJpeg(im, Output_file, JPEG_QUALITY);
	} else if (Output_lang == WBMP) {
        	/* Use black for the foreground color for the B&W wbmp image. */
		gdImageWBMP(im, black, Output_file);
	} else if (Output_lang == XBM) {
		gdImageXbm(im, Output_file);
	if (ImageDict) {
		dtclose(ImageDict); ImageDict = 0;
#ifdef MYTRACE

static void gd_end_graph_to_memory(void)
/* leave image in memory to be handled by Gdtclft output routines */
#ifdef MYTRACE

gd_begin_page(graph_t *g, point page, double scale, int rot, point offset)
	int		page_number;
	point		sz;

	ArgScale = scale;
	Scale = scale * SCALE;
	Rot = rot;

	page_number = page.x + page.y * Pages.x + 1;
	sz = sub_points(PB.UR, PB.LL);
#ifdef MYTRACE
fprintf(stderr," page=%d,%d offset=%d,%d\n",page.x,page.y,offset.x,offset.y);
fprintf(stderr," page_number=%d\n",page_number);

void gd_end_page(void) {
#ifdef MYTRACE

static void gd_begin_cluster(graph_t* g) { }

static void gd_end_cluster(void) { } 

static void gd_begin_nodes(void) { }

static void gd_end_nodes(void) { }

static void gd_begin_edges(void) { }

static void gd_end_edges(void) { }

static void gd_begin_node(node_t* n) { Curnode = n; }

static void gd_end_node(void) { }

static  void gd_begin_edge(edge_t* e) { }

static  void gd_end_edge(void) { }

static  void
	assert(SP + 1 < MAXNEST);
	cstk[SP + 1] = cstk[SP];

static  void
	int			 psp = SP - 1;
	assert(SP > 0);
	if (cstk[SP].font_was_set)
	SP = psp;

static  void
gd_set_font(char* name, double size)
	char		   *p, *q;
	context_t	  *cp;

	cp = &(cstk[SP]);
	cp->font_was_set = TRUE;
	cp->fontsz = ArgScale * size;
	p = strdup(name);
	if ((q = strchr(p, '-'))) {
		*q++ = 0;
		if (strcasecmp(q, "italic") == 0)
			cp->fontopt = ITALIC;
		else if (strcasecmp(q, "bold") == 0)
			cp->fontopt = BOLD;
	cp->fontfam = p;

static int gd_resolve_color(char* name)
	color_t	color;
	if (!(strcmp(name,"transparent"))) {
	    	/* special case for "transparent" color */
		return gdImageGetTransparent(im);
	else {
		return gdImageColorResolve(im,color.u.rgba[0],color.u.rgba[1],color.u.rgba[2]);

static void gd_set_pencolor(char* name)
	cstk[SP].pencolor = gd_resolve_color(name);

static void gd_set_fillcolor(char* name)
	cstk[SP].fillcolor = gd_resolve_color(name);

static  void
gd_set_style(char** s)
	char		*line,*p;
	context_t	*cp;

	cp = &(cstk[SP]);
	while ((p = line = *s++)) {
		if (streq(line, "solid")) cp->pen = P_SOLID;
		else if (streq(line, "dashed")) cp->pen = P_DASHED;
                else if (streq(line, "dotted")) cp->pen = P_DOTTED;
		else if (streq(line, "invis")) cp->pen = P_NONE;
 		else if (streq(line, "bold")) cp->penwidth = WIDTH_BOLD;
		else if (streq(line, "setlinewidth")) {
			while (*p) p++;
			cp->penwidth = atol(p);
		else if (streq(line, "filled")) cp->fill = P_SOLID;
		else if (streq(line, "unfilled")) cp->fill = P_NONE;
		else agerr (AGWARN, "gd_set_style: unsupported style %s - ignoring\n",

/* sometimes fonts are stored under a different name */
char *
gd_alternate_fontlist(char *font) 
	char *fontlist;

	fontlist = font;
	if (strcasecmp(font,"Times-Roman")==0)
		fontlist = "Times-Roman Times_New_Roman Times-New-Roman TimesNewRoman Times times";
	else if (strcasecmp(font,"Times-New-Roman")==0)
		fontlist = "Times-New-Roman Times_New_Roman TimesNewRoman Times-Roman Times times";
	else if (strcasecmp(font,"Times_New_Roman")==0)
		fontlist = "Times_New_Roman Times-New-Roman TimesNewRoman Times-Roman Times times";
	else if (strcasecmp(font,"TimesNewRoman")==0)
		fontlist = "TimesNewRoman Times_New_Roman Times-New-Roman Times-Roman Times times";
	else if (strcasecmp(font,"Times")==0)
		fontlist = "Times times Times-Roman Times_New_Roman Times-New-Roman TimesNewRoman";
	else if (strcasecmp(font,"Helvetica")==0)
		fontlist = "Helvetica arial";
	else if (strcasecmp(font,"Arial")==0)
		fontlist = "Arial arial";
	else if (strcasecmp(font,"arialb")==0)
		fontlist = "arialb Arial-Bold";
	else if (strcasecmp(font, "ariali")==0)
		fontlist = "ariali Arial-Italic";
	else if (strcasecmp(font,"Courier")==0)
		fontlist = "Courier cour Courier-New Courier_New";
	else if (strcasecmp(font,"Courier-New")==0)
		fontlist = "Courier-New Courier_New Courier cour";
	else if (strcasecmp(font,"Courier_New")==0)
		fontlist = "Courier_New Courier-New Courier cour";
	return fontlist;

void gd_missingfont(char *err, char *fontreq)
	static char     *lastmissing = 0;
	static int      n_errors = 0;
	char		*p;

	if (n_errors >= 20) return;
	if ((lastmissing == 0) || (strcmp(lastmissing,fontreq))) {
		if (!(p=getenv("GDFONTPATH"))) p = DEFAULT_FONTPATH;
		agerr(AGERR, "%s : %s in %s\n",err,fontreq,p);
		if (lastmissing) free(lastmissing);
		lastmissing = strdup(fontreq);
		if (n_errors >= 20) agerr(AGWARN, "(font errors suppressed)\n");

extern gdFontPtr gdFontTiny, gdFontSmall, gdFontMediumBold, gdFontLarge, gdFontGiant;

static  void
gd_textline(point p, textline_t *line)
	char		*fontlist, *err;
	pointf		mp,ep;
	int		brect[8];
	char		*str = line->str;
	double		fontsz = cstk[SP].fontsz;

	if (cstk[SP].pen == P_NONE) return;
	fontlist = gd_alternate_fontlist(cstk[SP].fontfam); 

	switch(line->just) {
		case 'l':
			mp.x = p.x;
		case 'r':
			mp.x = p.x - line->width;
		case 'n':
			mp.x = p.x - line->width / 2;
	ep.y = mp.y = p.y;
        ep.x = mp.x + line->width;

	mp = gdpt(mp);
	if (fontsz <= FONTSIZE_MUCH_TOO_SMALL) {
                /* ignore entirely */
	} else if (fontsz <= FONTSIZE_TOO_SMALL) {
                /* draw line in place of text */ 
		ep = gdpt(ep);
		gdImageLine(im, ROUND(mp.x), ROUND(mp.y),
                        ROUND(ep.x), ROUND(ep.y),
        } else {
		err = gdImageStringFT(im, brect, cstk[SP].pencolor,
			fontlist, fontsz, (Rot? 90.0 : 0.0) * PI / 180.0,
			ROUND(mp.x), ROUND(mp.y), str);
		if (err) {
			/* revert to builtin fonts */
	    		gd_missingfont (err, cstk[SP].fontfam);
			if (fontsz <= 8.5) {
				gdImageString(im, gdFontTiny,
					ROUND(mp.x), ROUND(mp.y-9.),
					(unsigned char *)str, cstk[SP].pencolor);
			} else if (fontsz <= 9.5) {
				gdImageString(im, gdFontSmall,
					ROUND(mp.x), ROUND(mp.y-12.),
					(unsigned char *)str, cstk[SP].pencolor);
			} else if (fontsz <= 10.5) {
				gdImageString(im, gdFontMediumBold,
					ROUND(mp.x), ROUND(mp.y-13.),
					(unsigned char *)str, cstk[SP].pencolor);
			} else if (fontsz <= 11.5) {
				gdImageString(im, gdFontLarge,
					ROUND(mp.x), ROUND(mp.y-14.),
					(unsigned char *)str, cstk[SP].pencolor);
			} else {
				gdImageString(im, gdFontGiant,
					ROUND(mp.x), ROUND(mp.y-15.),
					(unsigned char *)str, cstk[SP].pencolor);

point gd_textsize(char *str, char *fontname, double fontsz)
	char		*fontlist,*err;
	point		rv;
	int		brect[8];

	fontlist = gd_alternate_fontlist(fontname);
	rv.x = rv.y = 0.0;
	if (fontlist && *str) {
		if (fontsz <= FONTSIZE_MUCH_TOO_SMALL) {
                	/* ignore entirely */
			rv.x = rv.y = 0;
			return rv;
		} else if (fontsz <= FONTSIZE_TOO_SMALL) {
                	/* draw line in place of text */ 
                        /* fake a finite fontsize so that line length is calculated */
		/* call gdImageStringFT with null *im to get brect */
		err = gdImageStringFT(NULL, brect, -1, fontlist, 
			fontsz, 0, 0, 0, str);
		if (!err) {
			rv.x = (brect[4] - brect[0]);
	/*		rv.y = (brect[5] - brect[1]); */
			rv.y = (brect[5] - 0       ); /* ignore descenders */
			rv.x /= SCALE; rv.y /= SCALE;
	return rv;

static  void
gd_bezier(point* A, int n, int arrow_at_start, int arrow_at_end)
	pointf		p0, p1, V[4];
	int		i, j, step;
	int		style[20]; 
	int		pen, width;
	gdImagePtr	brush = NULL;

	if (cstk[SP].pen != P_NONE) {
		if (cstk[SP].pen == P_DASHED) {
			for (i = 0; i < 10; i++)
				style[i] = cstk[SP].pencolor;
			for (; i < 20; i++)
				style[i] = gdTransparent;
			gdImageSetStyle(im, style, 20);
			pen = gdStyled;
		} else if (cstk[SP].pen == P_DOTTED) {
			for (i = 0; i < 2; i++)
				style[i] = cstk[SP].pencolor;
			for (; i < 12; i++)
				style[i] = gdTransparent;
			gdImageSetStyle(im, style, 12);
			pen = gdStyled;
		} else {
			pen = cstk[SP].pencolor;
#if 0
                if (cstk[SP].penwidth != WIDTH_NORMAL) {
                        brush = gdImageCreate(width,width);
                        gdImagePaletteCopy(brush, im);
                           0,0,width-1, width-1, cstk[SP].pencolor);
                        gdImageSetBrush(im, brush);
			if (pen == gdStyled) pen = gdStyledBrushed;      
			else pen = gdBrushed;      
		width = cstk[SP].penwidth;
		gdImageSetThickness(im, width);
		V[3].x = A[0].x; V[3].y = A[0].y;
		for (i = 0; i+3 < n; i += 3) {
			V[0] = V[3];
			for (j = 1; j <= 3; j++) {
				V[j].x  = A[i+j].x; V[j].y = A[i+j].y;
			p0 = gdpt(V[0]); 
			for (step = 1; step <= BEZIERSUBDIVISION; step++) {
				p1 = gdpt(Bezier(V, 3, (double)step/BEZIERSUBDIVISION, NULL, NULL));
				gdImageLine(im, ROUND(p0.x), ROUND(p0.y),
					ROUND(p1.x), ROUND(p1.y), pen);
				p0 = p1;
		if (brush)

static  void
gd_polygon(point *A, int n, int filled)
	pointf		p;
	int		i;
	gdPoint		*points;
	int		style[20];
	int		pen, width;
	gdImagePtr	brush = NULL;

	if (cstk[SP].pen != P_NONE) {
		if (cstk[SP].pen == P_DASHED) {
			for (i = 0; i < 10; i++)
				style[i] = cstk[SP].pencolor;
			for (; i < 20; i++)
				style[i] = gdTransparent;
			gdImageSetStyle(im, style, 20);
			pen = gdStyled;
		} else if (cstk[SP].pen == P_DOTTED) {
			for (i = 0; i < 2; i++)
				style[i] = cstk[SP].pencolor;
			for (; i < 12; i++)
				style[i] = gdTransparent;
			gdImageSetStyle(im, style, 12);
			pen = gdStyled;
		} else {
			pen = cstk[SP].pencolor;
#if 1
		/* use brush instead of Thickness to improve end butts */
		gdImageSetThickness(im, WIDTH_NORMAL);
                if (cstk[SP].penwidth != WIDTH_NORMAL) {
			width=cstk[SP].penwidth * Scale;
                        brush = gdImageCreate(width,width);
                        gdImagePaletteCopy(brush, im);
                           0,0,width-1, width-1, cstk[SP].pencolor);
                        gdImageSetBrush(im, brush);
			if (pen == gdStyled) pen = gdStyledBrushed;      
			else pen = gdBrushed;      
		width = cstk[SP].penwidth;
		gdImageSetThickness(im, width);
		points = N_GNEW(n,gdPoint);
		for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
			p.x = A[i].x; p.y = A[i].y;
			p = gdpt(p);
			points[i].x = ROUND(p.x); points[i].y = ROUND(p.y);
		if (filled) gdImageFilledPolygon(im, points, n, cstk[SP].fillcolor);
		gdImagePolygon(im, points, n, pen);
		if (brush)

static  void
gd_ellipse(point p, int rx, int ry, int filled)
	pointf		mp;
	int		i;
	int		style[40];  /* need 2* size for arcs, I don't know why */
	int		pen, width;
	gdImagePtr	brush = NULL;

	if (cstk[SP].pen != P_NONE) {
		if (cstk[SP].pen == P_DASHED) {
			for (i = 0; i < 20; i++)
				style[i] = cstk[SP].pencolor;
			for (; i < 40; i++)
				style[i] = gdTransparent;
			gdImageSetStyle(im, style, 40);
			pen = gdStyled;
		} else if (cstk[SP].pen == P_DOTTED) {
			for (i = 0; i < 2; i++)
				style[i] = cstk[SP].pencolor;
			for (; i < 24; i++)
				style[i] = gdTransparent;
			gdImageSetStyle(im, style, 24);
			pen = gdStyled;
		} else {
			pen = cstk[SP].pencolor;
#if 1
		/* use brush instead of Thickness to improve outline appearance */
		gdImageSetThickness(im, WIDTH_NORMAL);
                if (cstk[SP].penwidth != WIDTH_NORMAL) {
			width = cstk[SP].penwidth;
                        brush = gdImageCreate(width,width);
                        gdImagePaletteCopy(brush, im);
                           0,0,width-1, width-1, cstk[SP].pencolor);
                        gdImageSetBrush(im, brush);
			if (pen == gdStyled) pen = gdStyledBrushed;      
			else pen = gdBrushed;      
		width = cstk[SP].penwidth;
		gdImageSetThickness(im, width);
		if (Rot) {int t; t = rx; rx = ry; ry = t;}
		mp.x = p.x; mp.y = p.y;
		mp = gdpt(mp);
		if (filled) {
			gdImageFilledEllipse(im, ROUND(mp.x), ROUND(mp.y),
				ROUND(Scale*(rx + rx)), ROUND(Scale*(ry + ry)),
		gdImageArc(im, ROUND(mp.x), ROUND(mp.y),
			ROUND(Scale*(rx + rx)), ROUND(Scale*(ry + ry)), 0, 360, pen);
		if (brush)

static  void
gd_polyline(point* A, int n)
	pointf		p, p1;
	int		i;
	int		style[20];
	int		pen, width;
	gdImagePtr	brush = NULL;

	if (cstk[SP].pen != P_NONE) {
		if (cstk[SP].pen == P_DASHED) {
			for (i = 0; i < 10; i++)
				style[i] = cstk[SP].pencolor;
			for (; i < 20; i++)
				style[i] = gdTransparent;
			gdImageSetStyle(im, style, 20);
			pen = gdStyled;
		} else if (cstk[SP].pen == P_DOTTED) {
			for (i = 0; i < 2; i++)
				style[i] = cstk[SP].pencolor;
			for (; i < 12; i++)
				style[i] = gdTransparent;
			gdImageSetStyle(im, style, 12);
			pen = gdStyled;
		} else {
			pen = cstk[SP].pencolor;
#if 0
                if (cstk[SP].penwidth != WIDTH_NORMAL) {
			width = cstk[SP].penwidth;
                        brush = gdImageCreate(width,width);
                        gdImagePaletteCopy(brush, im);
                        gdImageSetBrush(im, brush);
			if (pen == gdStyled) pen = gdStyledBrushed;      
			else pen = gdBrushed;      
		width = cstk[SP].penwidth;
		gdImageSetThickness(im, width);
		p.x = A[0].x;
		p.y = A[0].y;
		p = gdpt(p);
		for (i = 1; i < n; i++) {
			p1.x = A[i].x;
			p1.y = A[i].y;
			p1 = gdpt(p1);
			gdImageLine(im, ROUND(p.x), ROUND(p.y),
				ROUND(p1.x), ROUND(p1.y), pen);
			p.x = p1.x;
			p.y = p1.y;
		if (brush)

static gdImagePtr loadimage(char *name)
	gdImagePtr	rv = 0;
	char	*imagefile,*suffix;
	FILE	*in = NULL;
	char		*cmd = 0;
#ifdef HAVE_CURL
	char		*curlopts;

	imagefile = name;
	if (!imagefile) return 0;
	if (!strncmp(imagefile,"file:",5) && !httpcheck(imagefile)) {
		imagefile = &imagefile[5];
		if (!strncmp(imagefile,"//",2)) imagefile = &imagefile[2];
#ifndef MSWIN32
		in = fopen (imagefile, "r");
		in = fopen (imagefile, "rb");
		cmd = N_GNEW(16,char);
#ifdef HAVE_CURL
	else {
		cmd = N_GNEW(strlen(imagefile) + strlen(CURLCMD) + 16,char);
		if (httpcheck || !(curlopts = agget(Curnode,"curlopts")))
			curlopts = CURLOPTS;
		sprintf(cmd,"%s %s \"%s\"",CURLCMD,curlopts,imagefile);
		in = popen(cmd,"r");
	if (!in) 
		agerr(AGERR, "couldn't open image file %s via %s\n",name,cmd);
	else {
	suffix = strrchr(imagefile,'.');
	if (!suffix) suffix = imagefile; else suffix++;
	if (!strcasecmp(suffix,"wbmp")) rv = gdImageCreateFromWBMP(in);
#ifdef WITH_GIF
	else if (!strcasecmp(suffix,"gif")) rv = gdImageCreateFromGif(in);
	else if (!strcasecmp(suffix,"png")) rv = gdImageCreateFromPng(in);
	else if (!strcasecmp(suffix,"jpeg")||!strcasecmp(suffix,"jpg")) rv = gdImageCreateFromJpeg(in);
	else if (!strcasecmp(suffix,"xbm")) rv = gdImageCreateFromXbm(in);
	else agerr(AGERR, "image file %s suffix not recognized\n",name);
	if (!rv) agerr(AGERR, "image file %s contents were not recognized\n",name);
	if (cmd) free(cmd);
	return rv;

typedef struct imagerec_s {
    Dtlink_t        link;
    char            *name;
	gdImagePtr		im;
} imagerec_t;

static void imagerec_free(Dict_t *dict, Void_t *p, Dtdisc_t *disc)
	gdImagePtr im = ((imagerec_t*)p)->im;
	if (im) gdImageDestroy(im);

static Dtdisc_t ImageDictDisc = {
    offsetof(imagerec_t,name),   /* key */
    -1,                     /* size */
    0,                      /* link offset */

static gdImagePtr getimage(char *name)
	imagerec_t	probe, *val;
    if (!name) return 0;  /* cdt does not like NULL keys */
	if (!ImageDict) ImageDict = dtopen(&ImageDictDisc,Dttree); = name;
	val = dtsearch(ImageDict,&probe);
	if (!val) {
		val = GNEW(imagerec_t);
		val->name = name;
		val->im = loadimage(name);
	return val->im;

static  void
gd_user_shape(char *name, point *A, int n, int filled)
	gdImagePtr im2 = 0;
	pointf	destul, destlr;
	pointf	ul, lr;		/* upper left, lower right */
	int		i;

	im2 = getimage(agget(Curnode,"shapefile"));
	if (im2) {
		/* compute dest origin and size */
		ul.x = lr.x = A[0].x; ul.y = lr.y = A[0].y;
		for (i = 1; i < n; i++) {
			if (ul.x > A[i].x) ul.x = A[i].x;
			if (ul.y < A[i].y) ul.y = A[i].y;
			if (lr.y > A[i].y) lr.y = A[i].y;
			if (lr.x < A[i].x) lr.x = A[i].x;
		destul = gdpt(ul);
		destlr = gdpt(lr);
		gdImageCopyResized(im,im2,ROUND(destul.x),ROUND(destul.y),0,0,ROUND(destlr.x - destul.x),ROUND(destlr.y - destul.y),im2->sx,im2->sy);

point gd_user_shape_size(node_t *n, char *imagefile)
	point		rv;
	gdImagePtr	im;

	Curnode = n;
	im = getimage(imagefile);
	if (im) {rv.x = im->sx / SCALE; rv.y = im->sy / SCALE; }
	else rv.x = rv.y = 0;
	return rv;

codegen_t	GD_CodeGen = {
	gd_begin_job, gd_end_job,
	gd_begin_graph_to_file, gd_end_graph_to_file, 
	gd_begin_page, gd_end_page,
	gd_begin_cluster, gd_end_cluster,
	gd_begin_nodes, gd_end_nodes,
	gd_begin_edges, gd_end_edges,
	gd_begin_node, gd_end_node,
	gd_begin_edge, gd_end_edge,
	gd_begin_context, gd_end_context,
	gd_set_font, gd_textline,
	gd_set_pencolor, gd_set_fillcolor, gd_set_style,
	gd_ellipse, gd_polygon,
	gd_bezier, gd_polyline,
	0 /* gd_arrowhead */, gd_user_shape,
	0 /* gd_comment */, gd_textsize,

codegen_t	memGD_CodeGen = {		/* see tcldot */
	gd_begin_job, gd_end_job,
	gd_begin_graph_to_memory, gd_end_graph_to_memory,
	gd_begin_page, gd_end_page,
	gd_begin_cluster, gd_end_cluster,
	gd_begin_nodes, gd_end_nodes,
	gd_begin_edges, gd_end_edges,
	gd_begin_node, gd_end_node,
	gd_begin_edge, gd_end_edge,
	gd_begin_context, gd_end_context,
	gd_set_font, gd_textline,
	gd_set_pencolor, gd_set_fillcolor, gd_set_style,
	gd_ellipse, gd_polygon,
	gd_bezier, gd_polyline,
	0 /* gd_arrowhead */, gd_user_shape,
	0 /* gd_comment */, gd_textsize,

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