Plan 9 from Bell Labs’s /usr/web/sources/contrib/steve/root/sys/src/cmd/graphviz/graphs/directed/

Copyright © 2021 Plan 9 Foundation.
Distributed under the MIT License.
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digraph g {
graph [
fontsize = "14"
fontname = "Times-Roman"
fontcolor = "black"
color = "black"
node [
fontsize = "14"
fontname = "Times-Roman"
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shape = "box"
color = "black"
width = "0.5"
style = "filled"
edge [
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fontname = "Times-Roman"
fontcolor = "black"
color = "black"
"n0" [
label = "18519\n?"
color = "lightblue"
"n1" [
label = "4836"
shape = "ellipse"
color = "maroon1"
"n2" [
label = "ttyqa"
shape = "ellipse"
color = "maroon1"
"n448" [
label = "21079\nlefty"
color = "lightblue"
"n449" [
label = "tried.lefty"
shape = "ellipse"
color = "maroon1"
"n454" [
fontsize = "7"
label = "bunting\n6000"
shape = "doublecircle"
color = "green"
"n460" [
label = ""
shape = "doublecircle"
color = "yellow"
"n461" [
label = ""
shape = "doublecircle"
color = "yellow"
"n462" [
label = "21084\ntried"
color = "lightblue"
"n464" [
label = "21086\nldbx"
color = "lightblue"
"n466" [
label = "ldbx"
shape = "ellipse"
color = "maroon1"
"n468" [
label = "21087\nlefty"
color = "lightblue"
"n469" [
label = "sh21086.1"
shape = "ellipse"
color = "maroon1"
"n474" [
fontsize = "7"
label = "bunting\n6000"
shape = "doublecircle"
color = "green"
"n479" [
label = "ldbx.lefty"
shape = "ellipse"
color = "maroon1"
"n482" [
label = ""
shape = "doublecircle"
color = "yellow"
"n483" [
label = ""
shape = "doublecircle"
color = "yellow"
"n484" [
label = "21088\ndot"
color = "lightblue"
"n486" [
label = ""
shape = "doublecircle"
color = "yellow"
"n487" [
label = ""
shape = "doublecircle"
color = "yellow"
"n488" [
label = "21089\nxterm"
color = "lightblue"
"n496" [
fontsize = "7"
label = "bunting\n6000"
shape = "doublecircle"
color = "green"
"n500" [
label = "ptyq2"
shape = "ellipse"
color = "maroon1"
"n503" [
label = "21090\nldbxmp"
color = "lightblue"
"n505" [
label = "ttyq2"
shape = "ellipse"
color = "maroon1"
"n512" [
label = "ptyq5"
shape = "ellipse"
color = "maroon1"
"n513" [
label = "ttyq5"
shape = "ellipse"
color = "maroon1"
"n514" [
label = "21091\ndbx"
color = "lightblue"
"n518" [
label = "tty"
shape = "ellipse"
color = "maroon1"
"n526" [
label = "delaunay.c"
shape = "ellipse"
color = "maroon1"
subgraph "cluster0" {
graph [
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label = "toucan"
color = "black"
node [
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color = "black"
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edge [
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color = "black"
"n0" -> "n1" [
dir = "both"
"n0" -> "n2" [
dir = "both"
"n0" -> "n2" [
dir = "both"
"n0" -> "n2" [
dir = "both"
"n0" -> "n448" [
style = "dotted"
"n448" -> "n2" [
dir = "both"
"n448" -> "n2" [
dir = "both"
"n448" -> "n2" [
dir = "both"
"n448" -> "n449" [
dir = "back"
"n448" -> "n454" [
dir = "both"
"n448" -> "n460" [
dir = "back"
"n448" -> "n461" [
dir = "forward"
"n448" -> "n462" [
style = "dotted"
"n462" -> "n2" [
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"n462" -> "n2" [
dir = "both"
"n462" -> "n2" [
dir = "both"
"n462" -> "n449" [
dir = "back"
"n462" -> "n460" [
dir = "forward"
"n462" -> "n461" [
dir = "back"
"n462" -> "n460" [
dir = "forward"
"n462" -> "n461" [
dir = "back"
"n0" -> "n464" [
style = "dotted"
"n464" -> "n2" [
dir = "both"
"n464" -> "n2" [
dir = "both"
"n464" -> "n2" [
dir = "both"
"n464" -> "n466" [
dir = "back"
"n464" -> "n468" [
style = "dotted"
"n468" -> "n2" [
dir = "both"
"n468" -> "n2" [
dir = "both"
"n468" -> "n469" [
dir = "back"
"n468" -> "n474" [
dir = "both"
"n468" -> "n479" [
dir = "back"
"n468" -> "n482" [
dir = "back"
"n468" -> "n483" [
dir = "forward"
"n468" -> "n484" [
style = "dotted"
"n484" -> "n2" [
dir = "both"
"n484" -> "n483" [
dir = "back"
"n484" -> "n479" [
dir = "back"
"n484" -> "n482" [
dir = "forward"
"n468" -> "n486" [
dir = "back"
"n468" -> "n487" [
dir = "forward"
"n468" -> "n488" [
style = "dotted"
"n488" -> "n486" [
dir = "forward"
"n488" -> "n2" [
dir = "both"
"n488" -> "n487" [
dir = "back"
"n488" -> "n469" [
dir = "back"
"n488" -> "n2" [
dir = "both"
"n488" -> "n479" [
dir = "back"
"n488" -> "n496" [
dir = "both"
"n488" -> "n500" [
dir = "both"
"n488" -> "n503" [
style = "dotted"
"n503" -> "n479" [
dir = "back"
"n503" -> "n486" [
dir = "forward"
"n503" -> "n487" [
dir = "back"
"n503" -> "n505" [
dir = "both"
"n503" -> "n505" [
dir = "both"
"n503" -> "n505" [
dir = "forward"
"n503" -> "n512" [
dir = "both"
"n503" -> "n514" [
style = "dotted"
"n514" -> "n487" [
dir = "back"
"n514" -> "n486" [
dir = "forward"
"n514" -> "n479" [
dir = "back"
"n514" -> "n505" [
dir = "forward"
"n503" -> "n486" [
dir = "forward"
"n514" -> "n518" [
dir = "back"
"n514" -> "n513" [
dir = "both"
"n514" -> "n513" [
dir = "both"
"n514" -> "n518" [
dir = "back"
"n514" -> "n526" [
dir = "back"
"n503" -> "n487" [
dir = "back"

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