Plan 9 from Bell Labs’s /usr/web/sources/extra/art/islamic

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G 0
g 1 2.034 3.780
g 1 3.241 3.780
g 1 4.448 3.780
g 1 5.655 3.780
G 1
l 0.632 0.447 0.632 0.654
l 0.559 0.728 0.882 1.051
l 0.809 0.477 1.132 0.801
l 0.529 0.550 0.455 0.624
l 0.633 0.448 0.707 0.374
l 0.707 0.374 0.632 0.299
l 0.632 0.299 0.632 0.197
l 0.632 0.197 0.530 0.197
l 0.530 0.197 0.455 0.124
l 0.457 0.124 0.382 0.197
l 0.382 0.197 0.279 0.197
l 0.279 0.197 0.279 0.302
l 0.279 0.302 0.207 0.374
l 0.207 0.376 0.279 0.445
l 0.279 0.445 0.278 0.550
l 0.278 0.550 0.383 0.550
l 0.383 0.550 0.455 0.622
l 0.529 0.550 0.737 0.550
l 0.559 0.728 0.632 0.654
l 0.737 0.550 0.809 0.477
l 0.882 1.051 0.882 1.508
l 1.059 1.581 0.986 1.508
l 0.986 1.508 0.882 1.508
l 1.059 1.581 1.132 1.508
l 1.132 1.508 1.236 1.508
l 1.236 1.508 1.236 1.051
l 1.236 1.051 1.559 0.728
l 1.486 0.551 1.486 0.654
l 1.486 0.654 1.559 0.728
l 1.486 0.551 1.382 0.551
l 1.382 0.551 1.309 0.477
l 1.309 0.477 0.986 0.801
l 0.986 0.801 0.529 0.801
l 1.132 0.801 1.589 0.801
l 0.455 0.978 0.529 0.904
l 0.529 0.904 0.529 0.801
l 0.455 0.978 0.529 1.051
l 0.529 1.051 0.529 1.154
l 1.589 0.801 1.589 0.904
l 1.589 0.904 1.663 0.978
l 1.663 0.978 1.589 1.051
l 1.589 1.051 1.589 1.154
l 1.589 1.154 1.132 1.154
l 1.132 1.154 0.809 1.478
l 0.809 1.478 0.736 1.404
l 0.736 1.404 0.632 1.404
l 0.632 1.404 0.632 1.301
l 0.632 1.301 0.559 1.228
l 0.559 1.228 0.882 0.904
l 0.882 0.904 0.882 0.447
l 0.882 0.447 0.986 0.447
l 0.986 0.447 1.059 0.374
l 1.059 0.374 1.132 0.447
l 1.132 0.447 1.236 0.447
l 1.236 0.447 1.236 0.904
l 1.236 0.904 1.559 1.228
l 1.559 1.228 1.487 1.300
l 1.487 1.300 1.487 1.403
l 1.487 1.403 1.383 1.403
l 1.383 1.403 1.309 1.478
l 1.309 1.478 0.986 1.154
l 0.986 1.154 0.529 1.154
g 0 0.027 0.749
g 0 0.027 -0.458
g 0 0.027 -1.665
g 0 0.027 -2.872

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